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Insight Out

Seeing beyond what is visible

Photo: Mei Lan climbing

© Joris Casaer

Group Consciousness Coaching

Your life does not suck. You are not totally lost.

And you are SO ready to get more out of life.
Waiting to be launched as a rocket and step into the blissful rollercoaster that life is?

Join us in the magical space of Group Consciousness Coaching.

How it works?

In a group of minimum 2 maximum 5 clients I guide you through the process of Consciousness Coaching.
I hold space for each one of you with your individual goal and bring it all together in one powerful session.
You work most of the time by yourself, in your head or on paper, while I walk you through the steps of setting your clear goals and reaching them.

By sharing struggles and successes you get to surf on the collective wave of energy of the group.
Everyone brings their topics to the table and that is how we all learn from former strangers.


When you decide to join the group we will start with a 1 hour individual session to get you familiar with Consciousness Coaching and set your cycle goals.
From the second session onwards you join the group.
Usually clients have 3 to 6 group sessions.

Who’s in my group?

You are absolutely welcome to join an already existing group.
This way you will learn from total strangers.
You might find new perspectives that open up your point of view.

Feel free to gather your friends, neighbours, family, colleagues etc. and form your own group of 2 to 5 people to start all together with your individual goals.

What it costs?

60,00 EUR for the kick-off
50,00 EUR per group session per person

Ready to get to know your fellow surfers?

Do you need a bit more information on this?

Send me an e-mail: [email protected]
Call me: +32 472 65 68 30